Interior Design Job Resume. Its the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. That means your education is an essential component of your job and your resume.
Design of course is the name of the game in your role as an interior designer. Jobs for interior designers are projected to grow by 4 or 2900 jobs. A great Interior Designer resume sits at the crossroad between showing a natural flair for functional and eye-pleasing designs and being technically sound in various regulations and CAD programs.
This section however is not just a list.
However an interior design resume should focus primarily on the job at hand getting employed. Meaning that you should always do your homework and see what kind of job position you are applying for and adjust your resume accordingly. Whilst it might seem tempting putting your whole arsenal of design skills to the test in the resume isnt recommended. Aim at anything between 10 and 14pt.